Street fighter 4 fightsticks
Street fighter 4 fightsticks

street fighter 4 fightsticks

street fighter 4 fightsticks

Just having one shoryuken turn into a hadoken – and thus have the opponent land a jump kick, crouch kick, hurricane kick combination on you – due to the slippery controls is enough to make you to chop your controller in half.


The D-pad, whether it’s on the PS3 and especially the Xbox 360 controllers, doesn’t have enough precision to perform the circular and charge moves in Street Fighter IV with complete accuracy. Then again, you can’t help but feel like something is missing, like a Ryu impersonator without a headband (or a gigantic fan to make it flap in the wind). You could use the D-pad on a standard console controller for a fighting title and not be looked at with a suspicious squinty eye, just like you could play most rail shooters like House of the Deadwithout the light gun peripheral. It’s not a genre that needs a peripheral, per se, in the same way that you really need a dance pad for Dance Dance Revolutionand two guitars, drums, and microphone for Rock Band. (Yes, they still exist… and I’m not just talking about the ones with skeeball.) Most genres have evolved fully onto the console, were created for the console, or simply developed during the console era, but the fighting genre is a rare exception. Opening the door to your house, lounging back on your favorite chair or spot on the couch, and lazily wrapping your hands around the controller or mouse, you might forget that the console is a luxury when you consider the origin of video games: the arcade.

Street fighter 4 fightsticks